Nasal and other Facial Fractures


Nasal and other Facial Fractures

Nasal and other Facial Fractures

The most common type of fracture of the face is a nasal bone fracture. Any trauma to the nose can break the nose and/or surrounding facial structures.

Here’s a brief summary of these types of fractures:

Nasal Fracture

A nasal fracture involves the breaking of the bones in the nose. It can result from various causes, such as sports injuries, falls, or accidents. Symptoms may include nosebleeds, swelling, tenderness, and difficulty breathing through the nose.

Maxillary Fracture

The maxilla is the upper jawbone, and a maxillary fracture refers to a break in this bone. It often occurs due to significant trauma, such as car accidents or forceful blows to the face. Symptoms include facial swelling, pain, difficulty chewing, and misalignment of the upper teeth.

Mandibular Fracture

The mandible is the lower jawbone, and a mandibular fracture is a break in this bone. It is also usually caused by severe impact or trauma to the face. Symptoms include jaw pain, difficulty opening the mouth, misaligned teeth, and swelling along the jawline.

Learn More about Mandibular Fractures

Orbital Fracture

An orbital fracture involves damage to the bones surrounding the eye socket. It can occur due to direct trauma to the eye or surrounding area, resulting in symptoms like double vision, swelling around the eyes, and difficulty moving the eyes.

Zygomatic Fracture

The zygomatic bone, or the cheekbone, can fracture due to facial trauma. This type of fracture may lead to cheek swelling, pain, and a flattened appearance of the cheek area.


Treatment for these fractures typically involves a physical exam and imaging to assess the extent of the injury. Depending on the severity and location of the fracture, treatment may include pain management, immobilization with splints or casts, or surgical intervention to realign the bones. Surgery allows replacing a bone in its natural position and using plates and screws to keep the bone in alignment and restore the form and function of the face.


Many different bones can fracture after trauma to the face. It’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect any facial fractures, as they can cause untreated complications. Please call to make an appointment with our fellowship-trained reconstructive surgeon, Dr. David Chan.

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Dr David Chan

Dr David Chan

Head & Neck Oncology & Reconstructive Surgery