Vertigo/ Dizziness

Vertigo is usually a symptom of an underlying medical condition that impacts the function of the inner ear.

Vertigo/ Dizziness

Vertigo is usually a symptom of an underlying medical condition that impacts the function of the inner ear.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo and dizziness are different. Vertigo makes you feel as if you are moving even though you are standing still. The room around you may spin. You may feel nauseous, or you may even vomit if the vertigo is severe. Dizziness, on the other hand, occurs when you simply feel off-balance or lightheaded. Vertigo truly makes you feel as if you are spinning.

Vertigo is typically the result of a health problem. Vertigo is usually a symptom of an underlying medical condition that impacts the function of the inner ear. How do we know that? Within our inner ears lie our vestibular system, which helps us stay oriented and balanced. Every day, an ENT doctor diagnoses and treats a variety of conditions and diseases that impact the vestibular system and cause vertigo.

Symptoms of Vertigo

Some of the most common causes of vertigo include:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Head injuries
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Colds

If your vertigo is severe, persistent, or accompanied by hearing loss or vision changes, you must see your doctor immediately.

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