Deviated Septum

A deviated septum can cause difficulty in breathing if it is too severe.

Deviated Septum

A deviated septum can cause difficulty in breathing if it is too severe.

What is a Deviated Septum?

When the thin septum (nasal wall) between your nasal passages moves to one side, it is called a deviated septum. Many people have a nasal septum that is not in the center or deviated. This makes one of their nasal passages smaller.

A deviated septum can cause difficulty in breathing if it is too severe. Deviated septum can cause bleeding or crusting in some people when they are exposed to the drying effects of the airflow through their noses.

The causes of nasal congestion or blockage (obstruction), include a deviated nasal septum or swelling of the tissues lining your nose.

Symptoms of Nasal Obstruction include:

Most septal displacements are not accompanied by symptoms. You may not even be aware that you have a septum defect. However, some septal deformities may result in the following symptoms and signs:

  • Blockage of one or both nostrils. It can make it hard to breathe through the nostrils. This can be more noticeable if you have allergies or a cold.
  • Nosebleeds. Dry nasal septum. This can increase your chances of getting nosebleeds.
  • Facial pain. There are a few theories about nasal causes. One possible cause of facial pain that is not bilateral could be a deviated septum, where surfaces in the nose touch and create pressure.
  • Noisy sleeping during the night. Deviated septum, swelling of tissues, or a deviated septum can all be reasons for your noisy sleep.
  • Understanding the nasal cycle. When the nose is blocked on one side, it then becomes unobstructed on another. This is known as the nasal cycle. This is called the nasal cycle. It’s not common and could indicate nasal obstruction.
  • A preference for sleeping on one side. This is because it allows you to breathe more efficiently through your nose at night.

Diagnosis for a Deviated Septum

A Century ENT doctor will ask you about any symptoms that you might have during your visit.

The doctor will use a brightly lit instrument to open your nostrils and sometimes a brighter light. Sometimes, the doctor may look further back into your nose using a tube-shaped scope that shines brightly at the tip. Your nasal tissues may be examined by the doctor before or after you have applied a decongestant spray.

This exam will help determine if you have a deviated septum.

Treatment Options May Include:


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