Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate hypertrophy refers to a condition in which the tissue of the nasal lateral (outside), walls is too large, causing nasal obstruction.

Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate hypertrophy refers to a condition in which the tissue of the nasal lateral (outside), walls is too large, causing nasal obstruction.

What is Turbinate Hypertrophy?

Turbinate hypertrophy is an abnormal growth or enlargement. These bony structures are located in the nose. They are covered by a special skin, called the mucosa. This helps filter, warm, and humidify the air you inhale.

The mucosa naturally expands when you sleep, and during normal nasal cycles. They can also expand in response to allergens or other stimuli.

There are usually three sets of turbinates in the nasal cavity: the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates. The middle and inferior turbinates are where most of the nasal airflow passes. Breathing can be made more difficult if these turbinates are enlarged.


What are the Symptoms of Turbinate Hypertrophy

The most common signs of turbinate hypertrophy are:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Congestion on both sides of the nose
  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Blockage of the Nasal
  • While lying down, you may experience nasal congestion.
  • Noisy or through-the-mouth breathing during sleep
  • Nasal drainage is increased


What Causes Turbinate Hypertrophy?

Turbinate hypertrophy occurs when the lining of your skin that covers the turbinate bones becomes thicker and more swollen. This condition can occur in an acute or ongoing manner.

  • Common cold or upper respiratory infection
  • Sinusitis acute
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Non-allergic rhinitis
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis
  • Medications
  • Hormonal changes

Another factor or condition that could cause nasal blockage is a deviated septum, nasal valvule collapse, external nasal deformity, or any other type of sinus disease.

Treatment Options May Include:

Turbinate Reduction

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